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New Feature Available in Latest Play Store 6.2.10 APK

Today, we have a new Google Play Store APK update for you. It’s possible that a few devices have already been automatically updated to Play Store 6.2.10 .A-all [0] 2590673, which is the latest stable version available, but many Android users will still be waiting for your update.

There’s no exact way to know when yours will arrive, since it’s based on your geographic location, device and version of Android OS, but one way to avoid all the waiting and uncertainty is to download the new Play Store 6.2.10.A-all [0] 2590673 APK file right now.

We always recommend you keep your Google system apps as up to date as possible, but this is an update that actually has a cool new feature and some interesting tidbits hinting at future awesomeness. Here’s what you can expect to find in your new Google Play Store 6.2.10 update.


    New features in Google Play Store 6.2.10 APK

    Gmail app recommendations in Google Play Store 6.2.10 APK

    This is the major change that comes with the new Play Store 6.2.10 update, and I personally think it’s pretty cool. After updating, when you go into your Play Store settings, you’ll see a new option which allows you to enable the Play Store to search for itineraries (travel, reservations, etc.) in your Gmail inbox and make app recommendations based on what it finds.

    This, to me, seems like a much more useful way to recommend new applications in the Play Store than just showing me what my friends liked. I imagine that if I had had this before my recent trip to Seattle, Google would have recommended the local bus finder app and saved me a headache or two (I eventually found the app on my own, but the first 24 hours were rough).

    Of course, some of you may not want Google knowing every detail of your travel plans. No worries; you can easily disable the new Gmail recommendations feature in your Play Store settings.

    Updates on Play Store Family Sharing

    We’ve been talking for months about the rumors of a new Family Sharing feature being introduced to the Google Play Store in the near future, and a teardown of the code in the new Play Store 6.2.10.A-all [0] 2590673 reveals that progress is indeed being made in this area.

    Specifically, you can find code that will display a notification when a family member shares something with the family, as well as a toggle feature on a separate Family Sharing screen within the Play Store. It’s not much, but anything pointing towards the new Play Store Family Library is exciting as far as I’m concerned.

    Download Google Play Store 6.2.10.A-all [0] 2590673 APK

    To try out the new Gmail recommendations feature, or at the very least take advantage of the bug fixes and smoother performance that come with this update, use your Android device (2.3 or higher) to tap on the Google Play Store 6.2.10.A-all [0] 2590673 APK download link below.