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Play Store 7.0.12 Latest Version APK Download

Google is at it again and has released the latest stable update for Google Play Store, bringing us to Play Store 7.0.12. If you get the sensation that we’ve jumped up a level, you’re absolutely right – this is the first stable release we’ve seen for Play Store 7.0, right on the heels of Android 7.0 Nougat going live.

We’ve got all the information you need about why you should install the latest version of Google Play Store, what’s new with this Play Store update, some exciting things on the horizon, and of course, how to download and install Play Store 7.0.12 yourself.


    Why install the latest version of Google Play?

    Since the developers at Google are always working on new features and tweaking things, sometimes bugs go unnoticed until after a certain Play Store update is released. It’s a good idea to stay as up to date as possible so that your Android device can benefit from all of the bug fixes that will solve issues you might have been having with the previous version.

    Plus, every so often we get something completely new and exciting in Google Play, and most of the time you have to have an updated version of the app in order to have access to it. A great example of this is the Shared Family Library that was rolled out over the summer.

    Even if your device is programmed for automatic updates, you might have to wait several weeks before your turn comes up for the newest Play Store update. Downloading and installing the APK file manually lets you jump to the front of the line.

    On the other hand, some people might have just taken their brand new Android out of the box, only to find that it doesn’t have Play Store installed on it. This does happen from time to time, especially with discounted smartphones and tablets coming from China. If you’re in this situation, you can download this Play Store 7.0.12 APK file and have the most updated version up and running on your device in just a few minutes.

    What’s new in Play Store 7.0.12 APK?

    Not much has changed here, which is surprising, because we typically see significant changes when we step up to the next number version. Since we have moved from 6.X to 7.X, this could mean that something big is in the works and will be implemented shortly (see below for what Google is rumored to be working on next).

    However, as we said before, practically every single Play Store update will have “invisible” changes that make the app work better, resolving issues that were reported in the previous update, improving performance, etc. So it’s always advisable to update your device just to take advantage of these minor tweaks.

    Things to watch for in future Play Store updates

    In the last update, we mentioned that Google has reorganized the Top Charts section of the Play Store by separating Apps and Games into two distinct categories. It appears that this is a server side change and users are still in the process of getting access to this new layout, and it could very well be that this feature is still being tested and could be reverted at any time.

    But in the meantime, if you have access to it, it’s a very practical way to organize things – especially considering games tend to clog up a large portion of the Top Charts with the old scheme.

    google play

    Next, some users are now able to see the file size of an app easily from the search results, making it easier to know if they have room on their Android device or not. Before, you had to go to the app’s detail page, tap on “Read more” and go all the way to the bottom to know how big the file was; now it appears near the app price for certain users. Again, this is something that isn’t available to everyone and could disappear at any moment.

    Finally, a download queue feature appears to be in beta, which would allow users to have Play Store downloads automatically pause or postpone themselves until Wi-Fi is available, avoiding mobile data charges.

    How to install Play Store 7.0.12

    You can get first dibs on the latest version of Play Store by downloading version 7.0.12 right here, the unmodified APK file straight from Google. Tap on the download button and save the file; the download should start automatically.

    While you’re waiting for the download to finish, head over to your Android’s security settings and make sure that the box next to “Unknown sources” is checked. Otherwise, you won’t be able to install the APK file that is being downloaded.

    Tap on the “Download complete” notification for the Play Store APK, which will open the installation program Android Package Installer. Just tap on “Install” and confirm – you’ll be up and running in less than a minute!

    APK Play Store 7.0.12