With the Play Store installed we will discover the games and recommended applications depending on the applications we’ve already installed and will be easier to find what we like. You will also have on hand the music, books and movies for you to enjoy hours of entertainment.
The new update of this particular version is 7.1.11, and is mainly based on eliminating some of the problems running older versions of the application Google Play Store.
Version 7.1.11 of Play Store
Previously the application presented some flaws in different mobile devices. This new version of Google Play Store is intended to improve all faults compatibility and manageability on the characteristics of the Play Store.
As happens lately, external appearance does not vary. We will still have our store with the same interface and design to which we are accustomed. We will notice changes in the performance and safety of our terminal.
Innovations of Google Play Store 7.1.11
The news that brings this new version have to do mainly with optimizing performance and debug some errors were detected. With so many models of phones and tablets using Android operating system and as Play Store app store it is normal for these failures appear.
Fortunately, Google is always alert and is responsible for solving them in each new version. Thus, although the Play Store is technically perfect, it fits better performance of each team and eliminates possible malfunctions that may arise.
Features Google Play Store 7.1.11 APK
This is the basic list of features that brings the new version of Google Play Store:
- Access to official compatible with Android applications that meet Google’s requirements to install.
- Hundreds of thousands of games and applications in their latest versions, with the ability to get access to the comments and ratings that other users do and see if we are really interested or not in try them.
- Full integration with Android. Smoother and efficient operation when we have to click on the programs installed from the menu options.
- Safety improvements and removal of potential risks by third parties can do with the control of our phone, also in the background.
Why do I need this Version?
This is some of the advantages Google Play Store 7.1.11:
- By downloading the new version of Google Play Store, you are not going to lose the friendly and familiar interface of this application.
- The Google Play Store 7.1.11 eliminates an error that was having the app in previous versions.
- When Google Play Store update, you will enjoy the different characteristics of Google Play Store 7.1.11
How to Install Play Store 7.1.11
The first thing you have to do before installing APK of Google Play Store is make sure you have a version of Android supported. The models are not too old, but if you have an Android 4 or higher will have no problem.
If you have not downloaded the file directly on your phone, you have to upload it to memory. Once you have select it (is the apk file with the extension) and follow the easy steps which are indicating during the process. Try to have all applications closed and let the installation is complete, because during it you may notice that some are blocked or maybe these just stop working. When installation is done everything will run much smoother and better.
Upgrade now to the latest version
As always we recommend, it is important that you upgrade to the latest version of the application. Even though not notice performance issues you need to Play Store on your last option because there are certain problems that you do not see but can affect you. When Google unlocks a new version does because it is sure that this is now the best, but to reach automatically to our phones sometimes have to spend a few weeks.
If you like being aware of new updates in the world of technology and computers and want to have the best in your terminal, stop reading and get right now to download the file. You need to only 17.12 MB of space on your memory to make with him.
Some rumors
Although it’s not confirmed, it seems that the update has something to do with the already rumored streaming function that seems to come very soon to the application options. Until this option is not definitely come we can’t prove it. From time will have to continue updating the store as a way to be prepared.