You can jump to the front of the line and manually install the latest version of Play Store 7.1.25 using our official APK file right here. This way, you can get access to the newest update before your Android device is set to get it automatically. If you’ve never installed an APK file on your Android smartphone or tablet before, we’ve got instructions on how to download the latest Play Store APK at the bottom of this post.
What’s new in Play Store 7.1.25?
Like with all intermediate updates, this new version of Google Play will get you fixes to any known and resolved bugs, and most likely a few changes to improve the stability, speed and performance of the app. Those are the only guaranteed changes that come with this update, although there are lots of interesting possibilities that certain users may have access to.
After you download the Play Store 7.1.25 APK, depending on your location, device, and just plain old luck of the draw, you may notice one of a couple somewhat dramatic changes to how the Play Store app looks. Google is apparently testing out several changes to various User Interface (UI) elements simultaneously, but some users will only have “change A”, others will only have “change B”, and some may have no change at all. The UI changes are server side, so there’s no guarantee that downloading Google Play Store 7.1.25 will get you any of the changes. Conversely, there’s no guarantee that not downloading will save you from them, either.
Changes to the Play Store UI
The first change is fairly straightforward but very noticeable: Google developers are testing out a new shade of green for the Play Store interface. It’s a bit darker with more blue tones and less yellow. It’s an attractive color, but could take some getting used to because it is quite different.
The second change is a more complex layout/design change that is most apparent when you are on an app’s detail page, as if you were going to install it. The first thing you’ll notice, if you have this change on your device, is that the “install” button is huge now. It’s changed from a normal button in the lower right-hand corner of the page header to a wide bar that runs the entire width of the screen, with the word “install” centered. Then, in the old version, there were some visual icons that gave information about the app, such as its average rating, how many times it has been downloaded, what category it falls under, etc. These icons are gone and replaced with minimalistic black versions with the same basic information. The category icon, however, has been moved to just above the app images section, centered on the page. “More information” and developer information sections have also moved around a bit.
Additionally, some users are finding that they can now see the size of the app more easily in the overflow menu in the search results, and at the top of the screen on the app detail page.
How to install Play Store 7.1.25 APK
Downloading and installing the latest version of Play Store is simple. On your Android device, tap on the Play Store 7.1.25 APK download link included in this post, and save the file. While the file downloads, go to your device’s settings and look for “unknown sources” under the security tab. Make sure the box next to this option is checked. Then, when the download is complete, tap on the notification to open the Play Store 7.1.25 APK file in your device’s installer program. All you have to do is tap the “install” button, click “accept” on any prompts that pop up, and in no time you’ll be all set up with the latest available version of Google Play Store.