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The new version of Google Play Store, 7.4.09 brought several changes with it

Usually, when we are on a pinch at home with a food shortage, and have to get some supplies, go to the supermarket, or a convenience store, where we can get what we need, and if our budget allows us, we can buy some snacks or stuff that we like, regardless of that “stuff” it is edible or not.

Logo Play Store

In this case, our supermarket/convenience store is the Google Play Store, and our food are the updates, social media or apps we need for working, and the snacks might be the games, and other apps that allow us to have fun or shorten our leisure time.


A few days ago, Android Police made an apk teardown and a prediction of how the app might be; most of the code information is from the latter. The actual update hasn’t gotten out yet, so it’s not 100% accurate.


Google Play Store is the most important app that Mountain View and you can have on Android SDK; also, almost everyone needs it for updates, new content, and entertainment. Recently, the updates on the latter were small, and weren’t very noticeable for the people who don’t pay too much attention to it, but in this last version (7.4.09) a lot of remarkable changes will appear, some of them are:


  1. New screen for my apps, where we can see all the apps and the ones installed ordered by tabs, now you can see which are the ones you accidentally deleted and install them again, isn’t it great?


  1. Apps can be ordered by alphabetical, size, last used and last updated, say goodbye to the tedious work of seeing which are the apps you less use, and look up for them to uninstall them, just order them by last used and voila!


  1. Will be easier to see the reviews of an app ordered from a determined amount of time, and be able to see the ratings and statistics of the last 30 days, 3 months and 6 months, there will be no problem with the reviews of previous updates that make you download an app that became worse with updates (not a Tumblr reference).



  1. There will be a “Family Library”, and you can authorize or block in-app purchases or remote app installing, now there’s no need for the family to be together in order to make a purchase or install an app, though that it’s not its intention, family has to be together.


  1. Google Play Games will be required, want it or not; when you install a game, it will pop up a window that will say “Google Play Games download is required”, so start deleting stuff that you don’t use in order to download it ‘cause you’ll need to.


Though it is a supposition made by the apk teardown when looking at the codes, it’s not sure that will be as exactly as predicted, though you can download and test it now, from here:

Google Play Store 7.4.09 – And the best of it, you can download it for free!


The codes of the changes mentioned before are:


  1. /layout/myappstabcontentv2.xml





  1. string name=”sortdialogtitle”>Sort By

string name=”sorttypealphabetical”>Alphabetical

string name=”sorttypelastupdated”>Last Updated

string name=”sorttypelastusage”>Last Used

string name=”sorttypesize”>Size



  1. string name=”reviewstatistics30daystitle”>Last 30 days

string name=”reviewstatistics3monthstitle”>Last 3 months

string name=”reviewstatistics6monthstitle”>Last 6 months



  1. <string name=”remote_escalation_title_parent”>Manage approval requests</string>

<string name=”remote_escalation_parent_page_title”>Approval requests</string>

<string name=”remote_escalation_approve_all_dialog_title”>Approving requests</string>

<string name=”remote_escalation_approve_all”>Approve all pending requests</string>

<string name=”remote_escalation_approve”>Approve</string>

<string name=”remote_escalation_deny”>Deny</string>



  1. string name=”gamesdownloadrequired”>To continue, you need the latest Play Games app


I’m sure that there will be people that will like this new update, but, as there’s people that can love something, there’s people that can hate it, not to blame, there are things that make its use easier, but as long as it has its pros, has its cons, for instance: The need for Google Play Games in order to use a game. Also, you and I know right that, when we play a game, the less we need is that awful pop-up that delays a lot.


Google Play Store is one of the apps that has more updates (since is necessary for android application managing and a good app store), we’ve seen many in our android smartphones and tablets, or every device that has the Android SDK.


In my opinion, it has to keep growing and being updated, in order to maintain the great amount and variety of apps that grows every day and look up for them easier and simpler than before.

Play Store, 7.4.09 Download