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How to remove a payment method from Google Play Store

Have you purchased a subscription on the Google Play Store with the wrong payment method, and you do not know what to do? Calm down! Solving this problem is much easier than you think. Next, we explain how to remove a payment method from the Google Play Store (from a PC or your Android smartphone).


    How to remove a payment method from Google Play Store (PC)

    1. From your Google Chrome browser, access the Google Play page.
    2. Once inside the Google Play page, log in with the Google account in which the payment method you want to remove is located.
    3. In the options menu on the left panel, click on Payment methods. Next, a menu will be displayed showing all the payment methods you have previously configured.
    4. Finally, select the payment method you want to remove and click Remove.

    How to remove a payment method from Google Play Store (Android)

    1. Slide the applications menu of your smartphone and tap the icon to access the Google Play app.
    2. Once inside the Google Play application, log in with the Google account in which the payment method you want to remove is located.
    3. Then, tap the profile icon in the top right corner.
    4. Click on Payments and subscriptions. Then tap on the Subscriptions tab.
    5. Select the subscription in which the payment method you want to remove is located.
    6. Tap Alternate Payment Method. Then tap Settings.
    7. Finally, follow the instructions below to complete the process.